BEABLOO - O2O Solution
Beabloo Digital Marketing solution is a tool that offers the marketing metrics of e-commerce to physical stores. We enable confident decision-making by providing Key Performance Indicators and accurate data regarding marketing spend.
Beabloo provides an Omni-Channel Digital Marketing and Analytics solution for personalizing the shopping experience and improving the impact of marketing in physical spaces. The solution is scalable, easy to use and simple to deploy. It provides marketers with a set of visually compelling dashboards that help to track performance and improve Return on Investment.
Why Beabloo Marketing Solution?
Nowadays retailers are lack of objective measures of what customers are doing in the store and rate of return of marketing investment. Beabloo cloud based software helps retailers communicating to every Point of Sale and to every Customer Touch Point.

Digital Signage Content Management System
Using Beabloo Digital Signage Content Management System (CMS), users can design the content and broadcast to every single digital signage efficiently. The process can be done at office instead of being physically there in each store. The CMS provides a convenient and cost-effective way for marketers to implement different marketing campaigns.

Beabloo Beacons
Integrated with apps, Beabloo delivers an integrated Beacon platform to alert customers about special offers when they’re in the store. As long as customers switch on Bluetooth of their smart phones, our Beacon can transmit the store promotional information to them. Also, when customers walk pass the digital signage in the store, the corresponding information will be shown on the screen.

Beabloo Face Detection System
Using kiosk cameras, our system can detect and distinguish customers according to their demographic factors (sex and age). Integrated with Beabloo Analytics to understand the customer behavior in the Point of Sale. Once customers are detected, the corresponding information (men’s wear or women’s wear) will be shown on the digital signage. The Video Analytics serve as an important indicator on marketing and in-store merchandising strategies.

Beabloo Wi-Fi Analytics
Apart from Bluetooth, the customer’s experience at the point of sale can also be measured by the transmission and reception of Wi-Fi signals from smart phones. Sensors are placed at strategic points in the store to receive the signal from smart phones and detect its MAC address. The sensors pick up signals from phones and measure the distance and behavior of each visit and route. The system integrates the data from multiple stores to compare and consolidate. Meaningful customer behavior information will be generated which assists future planning and evaluation.

Analytics Dashboards, Summaries and Reports
Different types of Video and Wi-Fi Analytics dashboards, summaries and reports are available for marketers having evaluation and future strategic planning. Data such as total number of visitors, total revenue, heat map, customer path, floor traffic and customers visiting behavior can be accessed on demand.